The state of Texas is a big place, with lots of space and plenty of great things to see and do. The state is also home to a wide variety of residents, each with their own view of the Lone Star State and what makes it great.


Texas moms are among the most interesting in the nation. If you love people watching, you could spend countless days just watching the moms go by with their kids in tow. After a bit of observing, you will probably be able to spot some of these types of Texas moms.


The Football Mom

Football is big business in the state of Texas, with high school stadiums rivaling their NFL counterparts in terms of amenities and seating capacity. It is no wonder that the football mom is such a frequent sight in the Lone Star State. You can see these moms hovering around the sidelines and climbing the stadium steps to get a glimpse of their offspring as they run down the field and score the big touchdown.


When the game is over, the football mom is the first to get home. By the time her star player pulls into the driveway, she has created a feast fit for an athlete, complete with authentic Texas barbecue and all the fixings – all topped off with a vase full of fresh flowers.


The Scholarly Mom

School is a competitive sport in the state of Texas, and the scholarly mom is up to the challenge. She is the kind of mom who whips out the flash cards, checks the homework and makes sure her little Einstein always does his best.


Sometimes the scholarly mom is also a home schooling mom, taking charge of her child’s education and making sure he or she stays at least two grade levels ahead of the competition. Whether she is checking public school homework and teaching her offspring herself, she always has a bouquet of fresh flowers to inspire her and her scholarly offspring.


The Transplant Mom

The state of Texas has become a popular place, drawing new residents from every other state and countries around the world. If you love to people watch, you will probably be able to spot the transplant mom a mile away.


She is the one who still seems a bit out of place. She marvels at the vast distances between towns and the wide open spaces. She is not afraid to ask for directions, and she always has a kind word for your native-born neighbors. When she is invited to a backyard barbecue or other event, she always comes armed with a bouquet of fresh cut flowers for her host or hostess.


The Doting Mom

The doting mom is always putting the needs of her family first, even if that means she does not get to bed until 2 in the morning. She works hard to provide fresh delicious meals for your children and her spouse, and she presents every meal in style with a floral centerpiece.


The doting mom always tries to do it all. She works a full-time job, attends all her children’s sporting events and always has a smile on her face.


The state of Texas attracts residents of many stripes, including a vast number of mom types. If you spot any of these classic Texas moms on your travels, be sure to say howdy and make a new lifelong friend.