Becoming a grandparent is a major milestone in any parent’s life. The kids are all grown up and on their own. They have found someone to love and started a family. The birth of that first grandchild is something every grandparent will remember forever, and it is certainly something worth celebrating on Grandparents Day and everyday.
If your mom and dad have recently become grandparents, you will want to celebrate the occasion in the right way. No matter what you choose to do, fresh flowers can enhance the celebration and make the new grandpa and grandma feel special.
A floral centerpiece is the perfect way to set off the celebratory meal. Just pick up a bouquet of your favorite fresh-cut flowers at your local HEB, grab a suitable bowl or vase and arrange the blossoms to your heart’s delight. The table will look better and more festive, and the new grandparents will know they are loved and appreciated. You can also use this idea on Grandparents Day.
If your mom and dad became grandparents a while back, the grandkids will want to choose a suitable gift for grandma and grandpa for Grandparents Day. Handmade gifts are often the best and the most appreciated, so head to the craft store for a few simple supplies, then stop by the market for a fresh bouquet of your favorite flowers.
The number of crafts creative kids can make with fresh flowers is almost endless. Your son or daughter can make a floral garland or even a crown or tiara for grandma, to make her feel special on Grandparents Day. All they need is a few simple supplies, a length of ribbon and a fresh bouquet of flowers.
The kids can also create an array of grandparent gifts by drying your favorite flowers and preserving them for the future. With a simple flower drying kit, a few inexpensive supplies and a couple of blossoms, the kids can create floral bookmarks, notepads and other homemade gifts. They can also adorn the gifts they buy with fresh flowers, making them even more special and beautiful. There is nothing like a fresh flower to make that beautifully wrapped present for Grandma even more delightful.
You can also create new moments on Grandparents Day by getting the grandkids and the grandparents to create one-of-a-kind flower projects together. Whether they choose to make homemade floral gifts, flower baskets, floral bookmarks, or just paint the flowers with water colors, both grandchild and grandparents will cherished these moments for many years to come.
What is your favorite moment with your grandparents?
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