From Farm to You to Table was created to help you elevate your Lone Star Living bouquet experience and become a pro designer. Every month, we hand select an additional “+1” flower bunch that will pair perfectly with your Lone Star Living bouquet. Our +1 vase will complement the arrangement featured on our monthly online tutorials featuring H-E-B’s star floral designer, Andy Hopper. Follow every month and escape into the world of a pro-designer from the comfort of your home.
Meet Andy
Your Floral BFF
You Got
Life Hacks for Busy Women by Busy Women
Task Round-Up: Organize Your Month Like a Bouquet!
New year, new rodeo, y’all! January is all about fresh starts and fresh blooms, so why not plan your month like a bouquet? Yep, you heard that right. Just like …
Read MoreHow to Create a Cozy Guest Room for the Holidays
The holidays are here, and y’all know what that means—guests! Whether it’s your parents, your college roommate, or that one cousin who always shows up unannounced (we all have one), …
Read MoreUnwrap Your Creativity Fun & Festive Gift-Wrapping Trends for the Holidays with a Floral Twist
Y’all, the holiday season is here, which means one thing—time to bring out your A-game when it comes to gift-wrapping! Sure, you go the traditional route… but where’s the fun …
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