Texas Independence Day is on March 2 this year and as most Texans know there will be several festivities in many cities. Hey, what can you expect from the only state that has ever been its own country. It doesn’t matter if you are going to a parade, festival, or family festivity celebrating a proud day in Texas needs to be honored with a perfect party hat, after all it is Texas’s birthday.
Step-By-Step DIY Cowgirl Hat flower bouquet using your Lone Star Living™:
STEP 1 (Materials):
- Lone Star Living Bouquet™ available at HEB
- Your favorite hat
- Ribbon
- Safety pins
- Floral green tape
- Stem scissors
Select the colors you want to use. TIP: Add at least one bright color flower, mine is yellow.
Grab two flowers and criss-cross their stems. Continue the same process with the rest of the flowers.
- Measure the stems of the flowers against your hat. Cut straight across with the stem scissors.
- Hold the stems tightly together. Wrap the green floral tape until it holds the stems steady.
- TIP: Make sure not to cover the tips if the stems. This will allow you to leave the flowers in water to keep them fresh.
- Wrap the ribbon around the hat to measure the length of the ribbon. Once you cut the ribbon, criss-cross the ends and use the safety pin hold them together.
- Make a bow and cut a triangle on the tips. Cut another piece of ribbon and wrap the stems of the flowers.
Whala, you are ready to celebrate Texas Independence Day with some Lone Star style. You can use the remainder of the flowers to make other little bouquets for different hats. Enjoy!