20 Heartwarming Ways to Spread Love in February

20 Heartwarming Ways to Spread Love in February

As February unfolds, let’s go beyond the confines of Valentine’s Day and embrace the spirit of love every single day. We’ve curated a list of 20 heartwarming ways to show love to yourself and those around you throughout the entire month. From simple...
Love Everyday: Embracing a Month of Love

Love Everyday: Embracing a Month of Love

February is often synonymous with Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to celebrating love and affection. However, why limit the magic of love to just one day when we can embrace it every day throughout the month? In this article, we invite you to join us in...
Don’t Hate, Self-Appreciate: 5 Ways How

Don’t Hate, Self-Appreciate: 5 Ways How

How do you show appreciation to someone that has done something nice for you? The answer is don’t hate, self-appreciate. Most of us would say “thank you” or look for a way to return the courtesy. But how often do we take the time to self-appreciate and thank ourselves...
A Letter to Myself on Mental Health

A Letter to Myself on Mental Health

Dear Self, It’s time for an honest talk, so I thought I should write you a letter. I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you’ve gotten out of bed even when you’re feeling mentally drained. I know sometimes the brain fog is a little much to deal with, but you always manage...