Budgeting, Decor, DIY, Everyday, Lifestyle, Wellness
This year, it seems we are all enjoying fall from home. As one of the most beautiful natural phenomena, the weather gets a little chilly. Meanwhile, the trees put on a beautiful show of brightly colored leaves. As they change from green to yellow, brown, orange, and...
Budgeting, DIY, Everyday, Lifestyle, Wellness
We’re living through some very strange times. Between a pandemic coming out of left field and recent protests, our world has certainly taken a turn for the weirder. At first, entering the lockdown didn’t seem too bad. After all, it gave us a little extra time to...
Decor, DIY, Everyday, Lifestyle, Wellness
Hey girl! Are you the “quarantine is the pits” type or the “leave me alone with my books and my coffee” girl? Either way…we hear you! That’s why we’ve compiled a list of five ways to make your home cozier during quarantine! We’re in our fifth month of quarantine and...
DIY, Everyday, Happenings, Lifestyle, Wellness
Hey ladies, this quarantine thing is getting old, huh? We totally get it but, REAL TALK—we Texas girls are strong and know how to find happiness and “make the best” of even the hottest day! As we begin to enter a new season yet still find ourselves in isolation,...