Cozy Up This Fall with a DIY Hot Chocolate Bar

Cozy Up This Fall with a DIY Hot Chocolate Bar

Cozy season is in full swing! That means it’s time for hot cocoa to come out of retirement! This fall is all about warm gatherings, and we’re here to elevate your next get-together with a DIY Hot Chocolate Bar. It’s the perfect way to set a cozy...
Chill Out This Summer with a DIY Iced Tea Bar!

Chill Out This Summer with a DIY Iced Tea Bar!

Hello there, Texas gals! The sunny season is finally here, and what better way to celebrate than with a refreshing iced tea bar at your next cookout? It’s a fun, creative, and thirst-quenching addition to any outdoor gathering.  How do I set up an iced tea bar?...
Summertime D.I.Ys for a Sunny Celebration

Summertime D.I.Ys for a Sunny Celebration

You’ve been stuck in the pool since the start of the summer, covered the patio with sidewalk chalk, and eaten more ice pops than you’d like to admit…so now what? Summer should be a time to relax, not stress out over figuring out summer activities to keep yourself...
A Letter to Myself on Mental Health

A Letter to Myself on Mental Health

Dear Self, It’s time for an honest talk, so I thought I should write you a letter. I’m proud of you. I’m proud that you’ve gotten out of bed even when you’re feeling mentally drained. I know sometimes the brain fog is a little much to deal with, but you always manage...